EFRIS in full is Electronic Fiscal Receipting and Invoicing System which is an initiative of URA(Uganda Revenue Authority) as a way of improving on the complaince of the Tax Payer.

In accordance with Section 73A (1) of the tax procedures code act, a taxpayer may issue an e-invoice or e-receipt, or employ an electronic fiscal device which shall be linked to the centralised invoicing and receipting system or a device authenticated by the Uganda Revenue Authority. Furthermore, Section 73A (2) specifies that the Commissioner shall, by notice in the Gazette, specify taxpayers for whom it shall be mandatory to issue e-invoices or e-receipts or employ electronic fiscal devices which shall be linked to the centralised invoicing and receipting system or devices authenticated by the Uganda Revenue Authority.

Initially, the due date for implementation of EFRIS was 1st July 2020, however due to the challenges taxpayers faced in integrating their systems with EFRIS, the due date for implementation was extended to and is effective from 1st January 2021.

Chanet Technologies Limited has solutions as regards EFRIS. We are in the process of accreditation by URA currently. However our system has passed the first phases of Joint UATs by URA and will be accredited soon. We have your back.